WordPress Plugin Tutorial – Most shared/popular articles on facebook
To implement most shared url of any wordpress blog, first of all download facebook php sdk here Some…
Flowplayer jQuery Plugin – resume from the last played position
Perhaps you might have seen many video on youtube especially long movie or music jukebox. If you close…
Demo: PHP-MySQL database connection using namespaces
Namespace in PHP:- Namespace concept isn't any new for programmers coming from c++, java, python or ruby platform. …
Cross browser exitsplash implementation using jQuery and CSS
JQuery Plugin – exitsplash Spoiler Alert – Don't use "exit", "popup", "splash", "exitsplash" word in your script-name. Browser…
Five CSS techniques that make overlay div centered.
To create simple overlays without help of any help of readymade jQuery plugin or third-party library we need…
How to make text container background semi-transparent using CSS and jQuery?
CSS has opacity property, that can applied to block level or inline elements. So you can use just…
xml sitemap to url list command line tool in python
I am much into technical SEO. Testing broken links with xenu is my routine work. So, I wanted to import…
How to upload file using jQuery, iframe and PHP
A jQuery tutorial to make simple file upload using iframe that looks like ajax upload.
Generic JavaScript Validator 1.0 beta
My previously coded opensource project is here - http://js-validator.sourceforge.net/ Now onwards I'll be hosting my code on my…